218 items found
Collection ID is exactly "21"
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1823. Various Writings remembrances of R.K. Call

1823. Various Writings remembrances of R.K. Call

1823. Extracts from a diary of Richard Keith Call. First excerpt, talks of St. Augustine. 2nd excerpt, description of Appalachee. Page 1 speaks of town of Appalachee and history of Indians, discusses the Narvaez and DeSoto expeditions. Page 4 recounts Indian discussion regarding General Jackson's invasion of Florida and how the Brittishers make Indians bad. General Jackson catches them and brings them to San Marcos. He kills them. The Indian tells Call a tale of an Indian maiden named Malie, who mourned the death of one the young men. Page 6-15 describes an adventure with a young Indian guide looking for the fountain of youth in St. Mark's. Page 16 describes a visit with a Chieftain Chief Emathlochee. Page 19- describes what he thought were scalps in the lodgings. Page 23 discusses the Indian village of Anhayea or Tallahassee Old Field that was home of the Appalachee Indians. Pages 22,25-27 are missing. Page 29 talks of the Treaty of Jackson and the Agent Hawkins. Page 33 Speaks of Indians characters. Page 34 says he's in the woods like an Arab Chief. Call discusses living among Indians, that traders and their credit systems. Also comments that a Creek woman's husband becomes a slave to her family. Page 34-77 discusses Seminole/Creek relations and General Jackson's invasion of Florida.
1824-1829. Fragments of a letter believed from R.K. Call to unknown recipient regarding Construction of Forts

1824-1829. Fragments of a letter believed from R.K. Call to unknown recipient regarding Construction of Forts

1824-1829. Fragment of a letter in R.K Call's handwriting regarding the construction of forts.
1825-1836. Letter to R.K Call from Mary Call his wife speaks of travels to husband.

1825-1836. Letter to R.K Call from Mary Call his wife speaks of travels to husband.

1825. Letter to R.K. Call from Mary Call regarding the travels of her travels and husband
1825. Fragments of letter possibly written by Call regarding withdrawal of agreement.

1825. Fragments of letter possibly written by Call regarding withdrawal of agreement.

Fall 1825. Fragment of a letter in R.K Call's handwriting withdrawing an agreement made.
1826.Letter to Colonel White from Call regarding duel arrangements

1826.Letter to Colonel White from Call regarding duel arrangements

1826. To Colonel White from R.K Call regarding duel arrangements.
1827. Deeds of sale regarding Slaves to Don Francisco Ferregoa from Antonio Huertas

1827. Deeds of sale regarding Slaves to Don Francisco Ferregoa from Antonio Huertas

Deeds of sale regarding slaves from Don Francisco Ferregoa from Antonio Huertas
1833. Partial letter to unknown recipient from R.K. Call

1833. Partial letter to unknown recipient from R.K. Call

1833. Part of a letter in R.K. Call's handwriting to unknown. Regarding his candidacy. It appears to be a letter written by another party who is also a candidate.
1835. Anonymous letter to R.K. Call concerning actions of officers at St. Marks toward an Indian

1835. Anonymous letter to R.K. Call concerning actions of officers at St. Marks toward an Indian

St. Marks, 1835. Anonymous letter to R.K. Call concerning N.W. Walked and Indian affairs. St. Marks, Shell Point. Mentions Hendry Hand Walker and en event that occurred on July 16 the Orlockney River at Old Spanish Fort. Walker traded with an Indian. Walker had turkey, the Indian had bees wax. This was an act of treason. They gave the Indian food and whiskey. They wanted answers to questions. Captain Walker ordered the Indian killed. Captain Walker scalped the Indian Isa Purfoy, James, Loftton of the Sopehoppy River. named others involved with the murder i.e. Coleman. Durance, Loure, Cuthburt, Howard, Stottely. Old Captain Dillini of St. Mark's, Bridger, Tucker, Cook, the interpreter, O'Conner, Dunn, John Stokely orderly sergeant.
1838. Major Gardiner to Governor Call. Composite of letter to Call regarding Wahoo Swamp

1838. Major Gardiner to Governor Call. Composite of letter to Call regarding Wahoo Swamp

Major Gardiner to Governor Call 1838. Composite of letter to Call regarding Wahoo swamp.
1842 Letter to Mrs. Ellen Kirkman from R. K. Call

1842 Letter to Mrs. Ellen Kirkman from R. K. Call

No date. Letter from R.K. Call to Ellen Kirkman. Relates information regarding children, Ellen's schooling and politics.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
rkc0131823. Various Writings remembrances of R.K. CallText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0141824-1829. Fragments of a letter believed from R.K. Call to unknown recipient regarding Construction of FortsText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0201825-1836. Letter to R.K Call from Mary Call his wife speaks of travels to husband.Text/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0191825. Fragments of letter possibly written by Call regarding withdrawal of agreement.Text/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0211826.Letter to Colonel White from Call regarding duel arrangementsText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0241827. Deeds of sale regarding Slaves to Don Francisco Ferregoa from Antonio HuertasText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0321833. Partial letter to unknown recipient from R.K. CallText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0381835. Anonymous letter to R.K. Call concerning actions of officers at St. Marks toward an IndianText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0601838. Major Gardiner to Governor Call. Composite of letter to Call regarding Wahoo SwampText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg
rkc0701842 Letter to Mrs. Ellen Kirkman from R. K. CallText/fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/rkcall.jpg