n2015-1_b002_f01_05 | Letter from James R. Robinson to Lottie Houston and Marion Hamilton, April 3, 1960 | Text | Boycotts Imprisonment Race relations | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b002_f01_05.jpg |
Letter from James R. Robinson to Lottie Houston and Marion Hamilton, April 3, 1960
- Date
- 1960-04-03
- Description
- Letter from James R. Robinson, executive secretary of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), to Lottie Houston and Marion Hamilton, the mother and stepfather of Patricia and Priscilla Stephens, detailing the importance of the sisters' activism, explaining his time in jail and providing clippings about the Woolworth's boycott in Tallahassee.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f07_01 | Nonviolence in Theory and in Action, Congress of Racial Equality, Miami, 1960 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Political aspects Nonviolence | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f07_01.jpg |
n2015-1_b003_f07_02 | This is CORE Pamphlet, ca. 1957 | Text | Nonviolence--Philosophy Civil rights movements African Americans--Civil rights | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f07_02.jpg |
This is CORE Pamphlet, ca. 1957
- Date
- 1957 (circa)
- Description
- A pamphlet about the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) describing different CORE tactics for non-violent direct action, the principles of CORE, the structure of National CORE, what National CORE does, the structure of local CORE chapters, how someone can join CORE and how CORE is financed.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f07_11 | CORE Rules for Action Pamphlet, ca. 1957 | Text | Nonviolence--Philosophy Civil rights movements African Americans--Civil rights | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f07_11.jpg |
CORE Rules for Action Pamphlet, ca. 1957
- Date
- 1957 (circa)
- Description
- A pamphlet about the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and their principle of non-violent direct action that includes guarantees of the individual to the group and guarantees from the local group to the individual.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f07_15 | Miami Interracial Action Institute Summary and Evaluation, 1959 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Nonviolence African Americans--Civil rights | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f07_15.jpg |
Miami Interracial Action Institute Summary and Evaluation, 1959
- Date
- 1959
- Description
- This report contains a summary of action at the institute written by Susan Boden. She writes about institute members testing Miami lunch counters, movie theaters and public transportation to see if African-American Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) members would be served. Sit-ins were held at Jackson Byron's department store and Grant's. In each instance, CORE members were not served. James R. Robinson of CORE wrote an evaluation of the institute which includes sections about the concept and aims of the institute; preparatory work; selections of participants; functioning of the institute; evaluations made by institute members, and conclusions and suggestions for future institutes.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f16_17 | The Core of the Matter Newsletter, Tallahassee, July 1963 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Nonviolence | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f16_17.jpg |
The Core of the Matter Newsletter, Tallahassee, July 1963
- Date
- 1963-07
- Description
- The Core of the Matter newsletter, volume 1, number 2, published by the Tallahassee Committee of Racial Equality, with information about student stand-ins at movie theaters; a description of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); a reprint of a telegram sent by Patricia Stephens Due of CORE to President John F. Kennedy requesting that no federal funds be used to celebrate St. Augustine's 400th anniversary because it would be a "celebration of 400 years of slavery and segregation;" and other news about CORE's activities.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f16_18 | CORE Press Release About Five Jailed Student Leaders Receiving Gandhi Award, 1960 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Nonviolence | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f16_18.jpg |
CORE Press Release About Five Jailed Student Leaders Receiving Gandhi Award, 1960
- Date
- 1960-06-29
- Description
- Press release from CORE noting the five recipients of the Gandhi Award: Barbara and John Broxton, William Larkins and Patricia and Priscilla Stephens. These five students served a 49-day jail sentence after being arrested during a sit-in demonstration at Woolworth's lunch counter in Tallahassee.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f16_25 | "Don't Buy at Shell's City," Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Boycotts | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f16_25.jpg |
n2015-1_b003_f17_28 | "Why Buy at Shell's City Supermarket?" Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Boycotts | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f17_28.jpg |
"Why Buy at Shell's City Supermarket?" Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960
- Date
- 1960 (circa)
- Description
- Flier boycotting Shell's City for refusing to serve African-Americans at its lunch counter. Eighteen white and African-American demonstrators were arrested at Shell's City as a result of a sit-in. The flier encourages people to write to Shell's City's manager, George McKelvey, so he will drop the charges against the demonstrators and change the discriminatory policy.
- Collection
n2015-1_b003_f17_74 | Florida Free Press Newsletter, November 20, 1964 | Text | Race relations Civil rights--Social aspects Nonviolence | /fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/n2015-1_b003_f17_74.jpg |
Florida Free Press Newsletter, November 20, 1964
- Date
- 1964-11-20
- Description
- Florida Free Press newsletter, number 17, published by the North Florida Citizenship Education Project. This newsletter features stories about Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) activities in North Florida, voter registration drives and other news.
- Collection