4 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "business letters"
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Letter, Harmon W. Shields to R.V. Turner regarding canned lisa - May 26, 1965

Letter, Harmon W. Shields to R.V. Turner regarding canned lisa - May 26, 1965

This letter was written by Harmon W. Shields, Director of marketing for the Florida Board of Conservation to R.V. Turner at the Florida State Prison at Raiford. The Florida Board of Conservation had been attempting to reform the public image of mullet by renaming it "lisa." The hope was that this would allow the Florida seafood industry to begin canning and marketing the fish to customers nationwide as an alternative to canned tuna and salmon. Mullet had a reputation as a "trash fish" in most areas outside of Florida, hence the desire to rename it. "Lisa" was a name given to some species of mullet by Spanish-speaking fishermen. In this letter, Shields explains to Turner that he is sending samples of the canned lisa to the Florida State Prison, and he wants Turner and his associates to try the product and comment on its quality. He describes the possibility that a cannery in Miami will soon be producing canned lisa on a large scale, such that institutions like the Florida State Prison might be able to use it. Shields expresses the hope that being able to market the fish more widely will solve the problem of the mullet market being glutted.
Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Earl Watkins regarding oyster canning - June 3, 1965

Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Earl Watkins regarding oyster canning - June 3, 1965

Written by Harmon W. Shields, Director of marketing for the Florida Board of Conservation to Earl Watkins, city manager of Eau Gallie, Florida in Brevard County. Shields refers to the efforts of a man named Clyde Kitchell to establish an oyster cannery in Eau Gallie, and asks Watkins to do what he can to help with any potential zoning issues. Shields justifies this action by linking the oyster cannery with an economic boost for Eau Gallie and the state.
Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Lou Cohen regarding fish smokers - December 10, 1965

Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Lou Cohen regarding fish smokers - December 10, 1965

Written by Harmon W. Shields, Director of Marketing for the Florida Board of Conservation to Lou Cohen of Food Fair Stores, a supermarket chain. Shields informs Cohen that the Florida Legislature had just authorized a marketing division for the Florida Board of Conservation, and that the division had $300,000 to spend on seafood marketing annually. One of the strategies the division intended to pursue to increase public consumption of Florida seafood was to promote the use of portable fish smokers. Shields describes some of the promotional strategies the division intended to pursue, and essentially asks Cohen to get his chain of stores involved in marketing the smokers to consumers. If Cohen agrees to this, Shields says he would contact Anheuser-Busch and Kraft Foods to get them involved as well.
Letter, J.M. Williams to C.D. Newburn regarding black markets, 1943

Letter, J.M. Williams to C.D. Newburn regarding black markets, 1943

This letter was written by J.M. Williams, State Supervisor of the Food Distribution Administration headquartered in Jacksonville, to C.D. Newburn, Chairman of the Hernando County Food Advisory Committee. The purpose was to encourage Newburn to step up local efforts to curtail the black market in meat. Williams characterizes food as one of the United States' "most vital weapons of war," and asserts that food waste could potentiall prolong the conflict and endanger more American lives. He describes several kinds of waste and misappropriation of meat supplies, including mislabeling, price gouging, ignorance of government meat slaughtering regulations, etc. Williams asks Newburn to enocurage local farmers and other people involved with the meat trade to adopt strategies to curtail the fortunes of the black market.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s1159_b001_f05_01Letter, Harmon W. Shields to R.V. Turner regarding canned lisa - May 26, 1965TextFood--Taste testing
Seafood industry
s1159_b001_f06_01Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Earl Watkins regarding oyster canning - June 3, 1965TextSeafood industry
Canned seafood
s1159_b001_f11_01Letter, Harmon W. Shields to Lou Cohen regarding fish smokers - December 10, 1965TextSeafood--marketing
Seafood industry
s419_b020_f06_03Letter, J.M. Williams to C.D. Newburn regarding black markets, 1943TextFood conservation
Black market
World War (1939-1945)