29 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "circular letters"
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Revised Descriptive Circular of DeLand, Florida, 1884

Revised Descriptive Circular of DeLand, Florida, 1884

Circular advertisement with city grid map for C. H. & S. B. Wright Real Estate Agents selling lots in DeLand, Florida, 1884.
An open letter to Lackland M. Stone of Jackson County

An open letter to Lackland M. Stone of Jackson County

1829 (circa)
Anonymously published letter to Lackland M. Stone when he was Jackson County's representative in the Legislative Council. The writer was against moving the Seat of Justice from Webbville to Marianna claiming it would cause the downfall of Webbville and the prosperity of Marianna.
Circular Letter from the Grand Lodge of Florida to Other Lodges

Circular Letter from the Grand Lodge of Florida to Other Lodges

Grand Lodge of the Territory of Florida, May 15th, A L. 5[1]844 ... To the W. Master, Wardens, and brethren of Lodge, No. ___ ... to prepare and address a letter to the brethren under its Jurisdiction; to be published with its proceeding for the purpose of arousing the fraternity from the state of inaction and torpor, in which Masonry seems to be spell bound in Florida. ... [signed] John B. Taylor, P.D.G.M; Thos. Hayward, Gr.Lec.; Thos. Brown, Gr. Secretary.''
Instructions to county election inspectors from Secretary of State Frederick L. Villepigue

Instructions to county election inspectors from Secretary of State Frederick L. Villepigue

1853 (circa)
Instructions for the proper supervision of voters and voting boxes and for the inspection and delivery of election returns.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_917.5921-w948_01Revised Descriptive Circular of DeLand, Florida, 1884TextAdvertising--Real estate business/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_917.5921-w948_01.jpg
flc_br0015An open letter to Lackland M. Stone of Jackson CountyTextLibel and slander
flc_br0016Open letter from G.W. Hutchins of Tallahassee denouncing Robert B. KerTextElections
Libel and slander
flc_br0017Circular Letter from the Grand Lodge of Florida to Other LodgesTextFreemasonry--Lodges/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0017.jpg
flc_br0019Instructions to county election inspectors from Secretary of State Frederick L. VillepigueTextElections
flc_br0023Circular letter from General Richard Keith CallTextSuccession--Florida
African Americans
flc_br0024aCircular letter to Florida Railroad Company bondholders, 1867TextFreeland bonds
Railroad companies--Finance
flc_br0024bCircular letter to Florida Railroad Company bondholders, 1868TextFreeland bonds
Railroad companies--Finance
flc_br0024cCircular letter to Florida Railroad Company bondholders, 1868TextFreeland bonds
Railroad companies--Finance
flc_br0024dCircular letter to Florida Railroad Company bondholders, 1869TextFreeland bonds
Railroad companies--Finance