2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "commissions (permissions)"
Sorted by Title
Commission of Eleanor H. Floyd as Tax Assessor of Franklin County, 1920

Commission of Eleanor H. Floyd as Tax Assessor of Franklin County, 1920

Record copy of a commission naming Eleanor Gertrude Hickey Floyd tax assessor for Franklin County following her election to that post in 1920. Technicalities had prevented Floyd from appearing on the ballot as the Democratic nominee, so she ran as an independent candidate.
Commission from Governor Abraham K. Allison to David Levy Yulee to Confer with President Andrew Johnson, 1865

Commission from Governor Abraham K. Allison to David Levy Yulee to Confer with President Andrew Johnson, 1865

Letterbook copy of a commission given to David Levy Yulee by Provisional Governor Abraham K. Allison to confer with President Andrew Johnson in Washington, DC regarding the steps necessary for Florida to normalize its position within the United States. Four other individuals received similar commissions.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s1288_v15_232Commission of Eleanor H. Floyd as Tax Assessor of Franklin County, 1920TextCounty officials and employees
Public officers
s32_v007_193Commission from Governor Abraham K. Allison to David Levy Yulee to Confer with President Andrew Johnson, 1865TextPostwar reconstruction
Intergovernmental cooperation