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Standard Road Signs diagram

Standard Road Signs diagram

1926 (circa)
Diagram of the designs for Florida's standardized road signs, dating to about 1926. These signs were based on a series of standarized designs approved in November 1925 by the American Association of State Highway Officials at a meeting in Detroit. The diamond design for marking Florida's state highways remained in use until the system was overhauled in 1945. The other sign shapes have remained generally the same since 1926. This diagram was included as an illustration on page 94 of Baynard Kendrick, "Florida Trails to Turnpikes, 1914-1964" (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1964).
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_388.1-k336_01Standard Road Signs diagramTextRoads--Florida--History
Signs and signboards