2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "election returns"
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Leon County Election Return, 1826

Leon County Election Return, 1826

One of the earliest surviving election returns for members of the territorial legislature. It documents an election held at Fort St. Marks in Leon (now Wakulla) County to elect a member to the Seventh District of the Legislative Council. The two candidates receiving votes in Precinct Four were William Wyatt and David Macomb (also spelled McComb or McCombe). Wyatt, who the vote totals in the Fourth Precinct by a vote of 6-5, also won the overall election. Wyatt represented the Seventh District in the 1826 and 1827 sessions of the Legislative Council, and Leon County in the 1838 session. In addition, he was a member from Leon County of the 1838-1839 Constitutional Convention held at St Joseph.
Alachua County Returns for Presidential Election of 1860

Alachua County Returns for Presidential Election of 1860

The 1860 election return for Alachua County which voted overwhelmingly for Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge. He would also win the statewide totals.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s21_b024_f01_01Leon County Election Return, 1826TextElections/fpc/memory/omeka_images/collections/broadsides/thumbnails/s21_b024_f01_01.jpg
s21_b046_f12_01Alachua County Returns for Presidential Election of 1860TextCivil war