3 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "government records"
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Record of Permits to Cut Timber on State Lands, 1879-1885

Record of Permits to Cut Timber on State Lands, 1879-1885

1879 (circa)
Ledger containing a record of permits issued to private individuals to cut timber on state lands in Florida. For each numbered permit, the ledger lists the name of the permit holder, his county of residence, the kind of timber to be cut, where it could be cut from, and where it was to be delivered after cutting. This ledger documents an important source of income for Floridians in the late 19th century. Many of the permit holders were farmers who cut timber for additional cash.
Rules and Regulations of the Board Of Health of the County of Franklin and City and Port of Apalachicola, 1891

Rules and Regulations of the Board Of Health of the County of Franklin and City and Port of Apalachicola, 1891

List of rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Health of Franklin County and the City of Apalachicola.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_br0268Reward for Information About Person Placing Explosive Device In State BuildingTextCivil defense/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0268.jpg
s1814_v001_01Record of Permits to Cut Timber on State Lands, 1879-1885TextLumber trade
flc_br0150Rules and Regulations of the Board Of Health of the County of Franklin and City and Port of Apalachicola, 1891TextPublic health
Ships--Health regulations