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Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "indentures"
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Indenture of John D. Gray, 1841

Indenture of John D. Gray, 1841

An indenture between John D. Gray and his brother William Gray setting the terms of their agreement and the repayment schedule. John used his ownership of certain property, real and personal, to secure the use of William's cash and the use of some of William's slave labor. The real property was contained in several lots in the city of Saint Joseph. The personal property was several slaves owned by John and named as collateral for the loan along with the real estate in Saint Joseph. Several of the bondsmen are described by their trade, e.g. engineer or blacksmith, along with a physical description of sex, age and complexion.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m97-15_b001_01Indenture of John D. Gray, 1841TextSlavery