2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "itineraries"
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Second Annual Florida Air Cruise Itinerary, 1935

Second Annual Florida Air Cruise Itinerary, 1935

An itinerary for the Florida Air Cruise from January 9-23, 1935. The cruise was sponsored by the Florida Department of Aviation and invited private fliers and their guests to fly from Orlando-Lakeland to Ocala with stops along at different landing fields. Fliers were to receive special rates at each stop. Interested parties were asked to complete the attached "Cruise Card" to participate.
Itinerary for Visit of Chinese Delegation to Florida, May-June 1979

Itinerary for Visit of Chinese Delegation to Florida, May-June 1979

Itinerary for a delegation of Chinese officials who toured Florida at the invitation of Commissioner of Agriculture Doyle Conner from May 31 to June 5, 1979. This was almost immediately relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China were normalized following decades of non-recognition. The document was typed in English, but Chinese translations were handwritten under each item on the schedule.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m82-133_b001_f01_01Second Annual Florida Air Cruise Itinerary, 1935TextAviation
s1850_b006_f19_x01Itinerary for Visit of Chinese Delegation to Florida, May-June 1979TextTrade missions
Visitors, Foreign
Non-state actors (International relations)