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Land Grant from the Upper Creeks, Lower Creeks and Seminoles to Thomas Brown, 1783

Land Grant from the Upper Creeks, Lower Creeks and Seminoles to Thomas Brown, 1783

On March 1, 1783, several "Kings and Warriors" representing Upper Creek, Lower Creek and Seminole towns affixed their names and family marks to a document granting British Indian Agent Thomas Brown substantial territory west of St. Augustine, Florida. The Indian delegation honored their "father and friend" for leading them into battle against the Americans with a grant of land extending from the Amajura River, now known as the Withlacoochee, to the St. Johns River. This document, found among records related to Fatio v. Dewees (1838), represents an enclosure originally submitted by H. Lee IV to Florida territorial judge Augustus Brevoort Woodward in September 1824. Lee sought Woodward's assistance in securing claim to property purchased by his father, General Henry Lee, from Thomas Brown in 1817.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s49_b0484_w864_01Land Grant from the Upper Creeks, Lower Creeks and Seminoles to Thomas Brown, 1783TextLand grants
Native Americans
Seminole Indians
Mikasuki Indians
Poarch Band of Creeks