31 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "leaflets (printed works)"
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Leaflet advertising the Hotel Princess Issena in Seabreeze, Fla., circa 1920s

Leaflet advertising the Hotel Princess Issena in Seabreeze, Fla., circa 1920s

1920 (circa)
Leaflet advertising the Hotel Princess Issena in Seabreeze, Florida just outside Daytona in Volusia County. The leaflet includes a detailed description of the hotel's amenities and services, including automobile and horse rentals, excursions on the Tomoka River, hot and cold baths, etc. Makes reference to the fireproof nature of the building, and provides details about laundry services, the cuisine, steam heating, nearby golf courses, and billiards. Includes color images of the hotel and its interior.
Leaflet advertising the Egmont Hotel at Fernandina, 1884

Leaflet advertising the Egmont Hotel at Fernandina, 1884

Leaflet advertising the Egmont Hotel in Fernandina, Florida on Amelia Island. The leflet describes the hotel's accommodations and the activities available for entertainment in the surrounding area. A description of travel options is also provided. The leaflet notes that Fernandina was "entirely free of malaria," and that the nearby beach was "as straight as an arrow, the hard beaten sand as smooth as a billiard table." The leaflet was dated for the 1884-85 winter season, which began December 1, 1884.
Facts About the Singing Tower and Sanctuary, Lake Wales, 1936

Facts About the Singing Tower and Sanctuary, Lake Wales, 1936

Leaflet describing the Bok Singing Tower in Lake Wales, Florida, as well as the town of Lake Wales and its environs in Polk County. A population table is included.
Leaflet - An Ideal Stock Farm in the Ocklawaha Valley, ca. 1917

Leaflet - An Ideal Stock Farm in the Ocklawaha Valley, ca. 1917

1917 (circa)
Leaflet advertising muck farmland in the vicinity of Lake Weir and Weirsdale in Marion County, Florida. The leaflet was published by the Puritan Land Company of Tampa, which according to the records of the Florida Department of State was incorporated in 1917. The leaflet uses statistics and illustrations from enterprises called the "Wide-Awake Farm" and "Mucklan Farms."
Leaflet with air raid instructions, and encouraging citizens to join civil defense units, circa 1950s

Leaflet with air raid instructions, and encouraging citizens to join civil defense units, circa 1950s

1954 (circa)
Side one: Join your local unit of civil defense. ''Your local Civil Air Patrol Unit dropped this message to you. It could have been a fleet of enemy bombers.''
Florida Woman's Christian Temperance Union White Ribbon Card

Florida Woman's Christian Temperance Union White Ribbon Card

1980 (circa)
Leaflet and ribbon advocating Florida Woman's Christian Temperance Union's campaign to promote total abstinence from drinking alcohol.
News from the Southern Conference Educational Fund, October 6, 1960

News from the Southern Conference Educational Fund, October 6, 1960

This leaflet from the Southern Christian Educational Fund provides updates regarding the condition of Richard Parker, a white civil rights activist in Jacksonville whose jaw was broken by segregationists. Parker was unable to eat solid foods during his time in jail, having received poor medical care to mend his jaw.
"Suggestions for CORE Pickets," February 26, 1960

"Suggestions for CORE Pickets," February 26, 1960

Leaflet with guidelines for how to carry out CORE pickets; how to present oneself at the demonstration; how to engage with the public; and outlining the purpose of picketing.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_647.9475921-h832_01Leaflet advertising the Hotel Princess Issena in Seabreeze, Fla., circa 1920sTextHotels
Business corporations
Tourism industry
flc_917.59-n532Leaflet advertising the Plant System's Overland and Short Sea Route, ca. 1892TextFlorida -- Description and travel
Resorts -- Florida -- Guidebooks
flc_917.5911-m527_01Leaflet advertising the Egmont Hotel at Fernandina, 1884TextHotels
Tourism industry
Business corporations
flc_917.5967-s617f-1936_01Facts About the Singing Tower and Sanctuary, Lake Wales, 1936TextCarillon music
Cities and towns--History
flc_917.5975-i19_01Leaflet - An Ideal Stock Farm in the Ocklawaha Valley, ca. 1917TextLand development
flc_br0069Leaflet with air raid instructions, and encouraging citizens to join civil defense units, circa 1950sTextCivil defense/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0069.jpg
flc_br0074Leaflet dropped by the "Spirit of St. Louis" by Charles LindberghTextAeronautics--History/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0074.jpg
m97-12_b001_f19_01Florida Woman's Christian Temperance Union White Ribbon CardText/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/m97-12_b001_f19_01.jpg
n2015-1_b001_f08_03News from the Southern Conference Educational Fund, October 6, 1960TextPolitical violence
Civil disobedience
n2015-1_b001_f12_03"Suggestions for CORE Pickets," February 26, 1960TextAfrican Americans--Civil rights
Civil Rights movements