283 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "letters (correspondence)"
Correspondence Between Governor Millard Caldwell and President Harry Truman Regarding Japanese Surrender, 1945

Correspondence Between Governor Millard Caldwell and President Harry Truman Regarding Japanese Surrender, 1945

The first document is telegram from Florida Governor Millard F. Caldwell to President Harry Truman informing the president of public opposition to the terms of Japanese surrender and advocating a resumption of the fighting against Japan until the Japanese accepted surrender unconditionally. On August 14, President Truman, in the midst of waiting for the Japanese announcement of surrender, took the time to reply to Governor Caldwell's telegram. Truman told the governor that by the time Caldwell was reading his reply the Japanese would have agreed to surrender.
Correspondence Between Helen Y. Spera and Governor Reubin Askew Regarding Equal Rights Amendment, 1976

Correspondence Between Helen Y. Spera and Governor Reubin Askew Regarding Equal Rights Amendment, 1976

Letter dated May 18, 1976, from Helen Y. Spera to Governor Reubin Askew urging the "members of our State Government" to support the Equal Rights Amendment. There is also a reply dated June 3, 1976, from Nancy Kelley Wittenberg, administrative assistant for Governor Askew, thanking Spera for her letter of support.
Correspondence Between J. L. Sharit and W. T. Cash, 1938

Correspondence Between J. L. Sharit and W. T. Cash, 1938

Letter from Joe L. Sharit, general chairman of the Florida Constitution Centennial Commission, to W. T. Cash, state librarian, requesting Cash join the commission. Cash replies and accepts the invitation.
Correspondence Between Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Hedwig Michel, December 1947

Correspondence Between Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Hedwig Michel, December 1947

Correspondence between author Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Hedwig Michel, future president of the Koreshan Unity, dated December 3 and 10, 1947, regarding changes with the Koreshan's newspaper, The American Eagle, and Allen Andrews. Douglas also writes about the success of her book "The Everglades: River of Grass," the possibility of advertising the book in The American Eagle, different places where the book is being sold, and expressing that she wishes the book could be sold at the dedication of Everglades National Park on December 6, 1947.
Correspondence Between May Mann Jennings and Governor David Sholtz, 1936

Correspondence Between May Mann Jennings and Governor David Sholtz, 1936

Correspondence between May Mann Jennings and Florida Governor David Sholtz regarding the Everglades National Park Association. Jennings requests that the governor call a meeting of the association to speed up the work they're doing and recommends Harold Colee to fill a vacancy on the association. Sholtz assures Jennings that the commission is moving along and recognizes her recommendation for the vacancy.
Correspondence between Megan O'Sullivan and Governor Reubin Askew, 1972

Correspondence between Megan O'Sullivan and Governor Reubin Askew, 1972

Correspondence between Megan O'Sullivan, a 12-year-old student, and Governor Reubin Askew regarding student busing. O'Sullivan is for busing to desegregate schools in Florida.
Correspondence Between Minnie E. Neal and Governor Napoleon Broward, 1908

Correspondence Between Minnie E. Neal and Governor Napoleon Broward, 1908

Letter dated February 17, 1908, from Minnie E. Neal, president of the Florida Woman's Christian Temperance Union (FWCTU), to Florida Governor Napoleon Bonaparte Broward claiming the county commissioners of Duval County refuse to hold an election regarding prohibition. Neal asks the governor what should be done about it. The governor replies on March 3, 1908, stating the issue of prohibition should wait until after state primaries are over because African-American voters will vote against prohibition.
Correspondence Between Rolla Southworth and W. T. Cash, 1938

Correspondence Between Rolla Southworth and W. T. Cash, 1938

Letter from Rolla Southworth, state director of the Division of Non-Manual Projects, to W. T. Cash, state librarian, regarding the Works Progress Administration's Historical Records Survey. Cash requests information about how many survey takers there are in other states.
Correspondence Regarding Anita Bryant's Position on Amendment Two, 1978

Correspondence Regarding Anita Bryant's Position on Amendment Two, 1978

Letter from Barbara Andrews of the Florida League of Women Voters sharing a circular letter by Anita Bryant regarding proposed constitutional revision number two. Bryant's position was in opposition to "the right for men to marry men, and women to marry women...and the right of homosexual couples to adopt children or become foster parents!"
Correspondence regarding completion of production of "Through the TV Tube," August 1964

Correspondence regarding completion of production of "Through the TV Tube," August 1964

Correspondence between Florida Institute for Continuing University Studies Assistant Dean William G. Mitchell and Nancy Benda thanking her for her performance on "Through the TV Tube," August 3, 1964. 
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s576_b074_f08_x01Correspondence Between Governor Millard Caldwell and President Harry Truman Regarding Japanese Surrender, 1945TextWorld War, 1939-1945
World War II
s79_b005_f15_x01Correspondence Between Helen Y. Spera and Governor Reubin Askew Regarding Equal Rights Amendment, 1976TextEqual rights amendments
Women -- Legal status, laws, etc
Women's rights
United States. Constitution--Amendments
s1505_b009_f04_x01Correspondence Between J. L. Sharit and W. T. Cash, 1938TextLibrarians
Celebrations -- Florida -- Gulf County -- Port Saint Joe
Memorials -- Florida -- Gulf County -- Port Saint Joe
Historic sites -- Florida -- Gulf County -- Port Saint Joe
Monuments -- Florida -- Gulf County -- Port Saint Joe
State libraries
Public officers
n2009-3_b118_f28_x03Correspondence Between Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Hedwig Michel, December 1947TextEnvironmental literature--Authorship
National parks and reserves -- Florida -- Everglades
Booksellers and bookselling
s278_b041_f02_x03Correspondence Between May Mann Jennings and Governor David Sholtz, 1936TextParks -- Florida -- Everglades
National parks and reserves -- Florida -- Everglades
Protected areas -- Florida -- Everglades
s70_b004_f01_x02Correspondence between Megan O'Sullivan and Governor Reubin Askew, 1972TextBusing for school integration
School children--Transportation
School integration
s664_b015_f07_x06Correspondence Between Minnie E. Neal and Governor Napoleon Broward, 1908TextProhibition -- Florida
Liquor laws
Alcohol -- Law and legislation
County officials and employees -- Florida -- Duval County
Christian women -- Societies and clubs
s1505_b009_f04_x02Correspondence Between Rolla Southworth and W. T. Cash, 1938TextLibrarians
Public officers
New Deal, 1933-1939
Depressions -- 1929 -- United States
Archives -- United States
History -- Sources
State libraries
s268_b008_f11_04Correspondence Regarding Anita Bryant's Position on Amendment Two, 1978TextGay rights -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Florida
Constitutional amendments -- Florida
Constitutional law -- Florida
Homophobia -- Florida
n2016-1_b005_f01_04Correspondence regarding completion of production of "Through the TV Tube," August 1964TextEducational broadcasting
Children's television programs
Educational television programs
Public broadcasting
Television broadcasting--Employees
Women in the broadcasting industry