2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "military records"
Sorted by Identifier
Circular letter from Governor John Milton

Circular letter from Governor John Milton

1863 (circa)
Fragment of a Civil War circular.
Notice to militia personnel seeking reimbursement for service in 1849

Notice to militia personnel seeking reimbursement for service in 1849

General order. Executive Department, Florida, to Col. R.A. Shine, Quarter Master General of Florida. ... The Congress of the United States at its last session made appropriation to reimburse the services of local Florida troops called into service during the year 1849 ... Notify the companies of Volunteers called into service by Gov. Moseley, during 1849 to assemble at the places where their companies, respectively, were mustered out of service, for the purpose of being paid off. ... [Signed] Thomas Brown. Tallahassee, May 1st, 1851.''
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_br0007Circular letter from Governor John MiltonTextCivil War, 1861-1865/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0007.jpg
flc_br0088Notice to militia personnel seeking reimbursement for service in 1849TextMilitary pay/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0088.jpg