4 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "news bulletins"
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News Release Including Florida's Response to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination, 1968

News Release Including Florida's Response to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination, 1968

News release describing how Floridians and other Americans responded to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and information about King's funeral and who was attending. There is also other Florida news about Governor Claude Kirk being sued by J. A. Maloney; Floridians fighting in the Vietnam War; a car accident along the Tamiami Trail; an arrest at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami; the murder of William Guffey of St. Louis; and Boca Raton police sergeant Robert Lynch being charged with embezzling money.
News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Respecting Memory of Martin Luther King Jr., 1968

News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Respecting Memory of Martin Luther King Jr., 1968

News release from Governor Claude Kirk asking Floridians to display flags at half-staff from April 5-7, 1968, in memory of Martin Luther King Jr.
"Everglades National Primeval Park Established" News Release, 1947

"Everglades National Primeval Park Established" News Release, 1947

New release regarding the establishment of Everglades National Park.
News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Safe Driving for Apollo 11 Launch, 1969

News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Safe Driving for Apollo 11 Launch, 1969

News release from Governor Claude Kirk encouraging drivers to use caution in the coming days as people flock to Cape Kennedy (known as Cape Canaveral today) to watch the launch of Apollo 11. The spaceflight was to take astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on the first manned Moon landing.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s923_b085_f02_01News Release Including Florida's Response to Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination, 1968TextVietnam War, 1961-1975
Florida--Race relations
Civil rights movements
s960_b001_f14_x01News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Respecting Memory of Martin Luther King Jr., 1968TextFlorida--Race relations
Civil rights movements
Mourning customs
s576_b026_f02_x03"Everglades National Primeval Park Established" News Release, 1947TextParks -- Florida -- Everglades
National parks and reserves -- Florida -- Everglades
Protected areas -- Florida -- Everglades
s923_b016_f14_x01News Release from Governor Claude Kirk about Safe Driving for Apollo 11 Launch, 1969TextSpace programs--United States
Space flight to the moon
Manned space flight
Traffic safety
Public safety