4 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "official reports"
Sorted by Subject
Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools for Freedmen, 1866

Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools for Freedmen, 1866

This report contains Florida's Freedmen's Bureau School Superintendent E.B. Duncan's views on the progress of black education in the first year after the Civil War. Includes Duncan's impression of sabbath schools, day schools and night schools, as well as their overall progress and lack of funds and books. Also contains information on teachers, legislative actions regarding the education of freedmen and the number of schools and pupils in the state.
City of Tallahassee Commission-Manager Form of Government 15th Annual Report, 1935

City of Tallahassee Commission-Manager Form of Government 15th Annual Report, 1935

The report, published every five years, outlines the activities of different departments in Tallahassee's government from 1930 to 1935 with a letter from the city manager; a report from the city auditor; the city government's financial records; an audit of the city's accounts; comments and recommendations in general; and a number of photographs of Tallahassee. City officials are also listed. This report includes details about the city's finances during the early years of the Great Depression.
Report of Governor's Dade County Citizens Committee, October 30, 1980

Report of Governor's Dade County Citizens Committee, October 30, 1980

Report of Governor Bob Graham's Dade County Citizens Committee. The committee was formed in the wake of the May 1980 riot in Miami. The report provides information about social problems and the handling of several high-profile incidences in Miami including poverty, labor conditions, housing, illiteracy, criminal justice, and the cases concerning Nathaniel LaFleur, Willie Thomas Jones, Larry Shockley-Randy Heath, Johnny Jones and Arthur McDuffie.
Report on the Educational Opportunities for Negroes in Florida, 1941

Report on the Educational Opportunities for Negroes in Florida, 1941

1941 (circa)
This report provides information on the basic conditions of black education in Florida as of 1941. Includes information on enrollment, teaching loads, teacher training, transportation and salaries. Inequities between black and white schools are also addressed and proposed next steps for progress are outlined.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s288_b001_f01_01Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools for Freedmen, 1866TextAfrican Americans--Education
School reports
School superintendents
Segregation in education
m85-2_b001_x01City of Tallahassee Commission-Manager Form of Government 15th Annual Report, 1935TextFinance, Public
Expenditures, Public
Depressions--1929--United States
s889_b002_f01_01Report of Governor's Dade County Citizens Committee, October 30, 1980TextRiots -- Florida -- Miami-Dade County.
Violence -- Florida -- Miami-Dade County.
Race discrimination -- Florida -- Miami-Dade County.
Miami-Dade County (Fla.) -- Race relations.
Race discrimination.
Race relations.
Florida -- Miami-Dade County.
1980 Miami Riots
m86-11_b004_f05_01Report on the Educational Opportunities for Negroes in Florida, 1941TextSegregation in education--Florida
African American teachers--Salaries, etc.
African American teachers--Training of
Educational equalization
African Americans--Education