2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "political cartoons"
Sorted by Title
Cartoon Depicting Militancy of Florida's Teachers After the 1968 Teacher Strike, 1968

Cartoon Depicting Militancy of Florida's Teachers After the 1968 Teacher Strike, 1968

1968 (circa)
This political cartoon depicts a militant image of Florida's teachers after the 1968 strike.
Political cartoon relating to the Jacksonville annexation issue, titled "The Problem Child"

Political cartoon relating to the Jacksonville annexation issue, titled "The Problem Child"

1961 (circa)
A cartoon depicting annexation of Jacksonville as a large baby smiling and looking at parents, wearing a bonnet on which is written: ''Jax annexation issue.'' Mother and father look up at the huge baby and mother is saying, ''What are we going to do about him, John?''
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m86-11_b048_f08_01Cartoon Depicting Militancy of Florida's Teachers After the 1968 Teacher Strike, 1968TextStrikes and lockouts--Teachers
Teachers' unions--Florida
Teachers' unions--Officials and employees
Labor unions--Political activity
flc_br0248Political cartoon relating to the Jacksonville annexation issue, titled "The Problem Child"TextPolitical cartoons/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0248.jpg