2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "ration coupons"
Sorted by Subject
World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration Stamps

World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration Stamps

1942 (circa)
Ration stamps issued by the federal Office of Price Administration during World War II to regulate the civilian consumption of gasoline. The stamps were issued by rationing boards comprised of local citizen volunteers. This particular set of stamps belonged to A.S. Lawton of Arlington, Florida near Jacksonville.
World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration Stamps

World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration Stamps

Ration stamps issued by the U.S. Office of Price Administration during World War II to regulate the civilian consumption of fuel oil for furnaces and other household applications.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m87-16_b001_f02_01World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration StampsTextRationing--United States
World War, 1939-1945--United States
m87-16_b001_f02_02World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration StampsTextRationing--United States
World War, 1939-1945--United States