2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Format is exactly "rosters"
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List of individuals subject to road duty - Jefferson County, circa 1890s

List of individuals subject to road duty - Jefferson County, circa 1890s

1890 (circa)
List of persons who were subject to work on the public road between the Bryant Bridge over the Aucilla River and Waukeenah in Jefferson County. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, counties relied on the labor of their own citizens to maintain public roadways. This system became untenable after more complex paved road surfaces became the standard. The terms of this service were specified by state law.
WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917

WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917

This poster contains a roster of the officers, enlisted members, and field grade officers of United States Army, 1st Infantry (Florida), Company M. The poster is decorated with a picture of President Woodrow Wilson, the flags of the United States and the Allied Powers, and depictions of the various branches of the Army and Navy.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
l346_b006_f93_01List of individuals subject to road duty - Jefferson County, circa 1890sTextRoads--Design and construction
Civil service
m89-33_b001_01WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917TextUnited States. Army. -- Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st
World War, 1914-1918