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Lumber classification guidelines adopted by the Pensacola Timber & Lumber Exchange, 1873

Lumber classification guidelines adopted by the Pensacola Timber & Lumber Exchange, 1873

Types of lumber classified , on Thursday, May 22nd, 1873 : Sawn timber; Deals; Prime; Merchantable or stowage deals; Scantling; Plank; Flooring; Edge boards.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_br0008Rules and regulations of the library of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, Dunedin, FloridaTextLibraries/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0008.jpg
flc_br0029Lumber classification guidelines adopted by the Pensacola Timber & Lumber Exchange, 1873TextLumber trade/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0029.jpg