48 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Subject contains "Civil defense"
Sorted by Title
Advertisement for Northam Warren Sniff Kits, ca. 1942

Advertisement for Northam Warren Sniff Kits, ca. 1942

1942 (circa)
An advertisement for "The Sniff Kit" created and manufactured by the Northam Warren Corporation. The Sniff Kit, a civil defense preparatory kit, was designed to provide civil defense workers with an easy and safe method of identifying the five principal gases used in chemical warfare. Available in three styles, the kit contains five simulated gases: mustard, phosgene, chloropicrin, lewisite and tear gas.
Air Raid Precautions Have Been Taken Here Poster, ca. 1943

Air Raid Precautions Have Been Taken Here Poster, ca. 1943

1943 (circa)
Poster indicating that air raid precautions have been taken during World War II.
Be a Victory Farm Volunteer in the U.S. Crop Corps - poster

Be a Victory Farm Volunteer in the U.S. Crop Corps - poster

1940 (circa)
Poster encouraging boys and girls to become Victory Farm Volunteers through the U.S. Crop Corps. This was a program jointly managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the various state education departments to encourage young men and women to take up farmwork to ease the labor shortage during World War II.
Blackout and Air Raid Precautions, ca. 1943

Blackout and Air Raid Precautions, ca. 1943

1943 (circa)
Blackout and air raid precautions issued by the Dade County Defense Council during World War II.
Blackout Order Issued by Governor Spessard Holland during World War II

Blackout Order Issued by Governor Spessard Holland during World War II

1941 (circa)
Official blackout order outlining the steps that must be followed along Florida's coastline during World War II. The order was issued by Governor Spessard Holland and the commanding officer of Key West and distributed by the Civilian Defense Council of Palm Beach.
Cartoon strips featuring Lieutenant Jane, Army Nurse, promoting salvage of waste fats, 1940s

Cartoon strips featuring Lieutenant Jane, Army Nurse, promoting salvage of waste fats, 1940s

1940 (circa)
Cartoon strips distributed by the War Production Board to newspapers promoting the salvage and recycling of waste fats. The strips feature a character named Lieutenant Jane, Army Nurse, who receives letters from home describing what friends and family were doing to cooperate with the waste fat salvage program.
Directory of General Salvage Committee Chairmen and State Salvage Grease Committee as of May 15, 1943

Directory of General Salvage Committee Chairmen and State Salvage Grease Committee as of May 15, 1943

List of salvage committee chairmen by county and community.
Flash Message Form for World War II Civilian Aircraft Observation Posts, 1940s

Flash Message Form for World War II Civilian Aircraft Observation Posts, 1940s

1940 (circa)
Blank form used by civilian aircraft observers to facilitate accurate reporting of airplanes flying over Florida during World War II. Observers were directed to record information about the passing aircraft and then immediately report to the United States Army by telephone.
Flier encouraging settlement in Florida

Flier encouraging settlement in Florida

1937 (circa)
This flier suggests that the next war will bring significant destruction to society, and that readers should move to Florida to avoid being cut off from a stable food supply. "When northern crops fail and transportation systems break down, when northern fields are bronze and trees bear [sic], will you die of starvation in the North, or be eating oranges and papayas in Florida?"
Flier Promoting Women Volunteering for Civil Defense in Duval County During World War II, ca. 1941

Flier Promoting Women Volunteering for Civil Defense in Duval County During World War II, ca. 1941

1941 (circa)
Flier encouraging women to volunteer for volunteer service through the Duval County Civil Defense Volunteer Office (C.D.V.O.). It depicts a man discovering that his wife has gone to volunteer rather than prepare his breakfast, but he smiles because he appreciates the importance of her service.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
s419_b021_f02_x01Advertisement for Northam Warren Sniff Kits, ca. 1942TextChemical agents (Munitions)
Chemical warfare
Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous -- War use
World War, 1939-1945 -- Chemical warfare
Civil defense -- United States
World War II
s1205_b001_f11_24Air Raid Precautions Have Been Taken Here Poster, ca. 1943TextCivil defense
World War, 1939-1945
Building--Safety measures
s1205_b001_f01_06Be a Victory Farm Volunteer in the U.S. Crop Corps - posterTextCivil defense
Food supply
s1205_b001_f11_16Blackout and Air Raid Precautions, ca. 1943TextWWII
World War, 1939-1945
Air raid shelters
Civil defense
s419_b025_f06_01Blackout Order Issued by Governor Spessard Holland during World War IITextWorld War, 1939-1945
World War II
Civil defense
s419_b044_f07_x02Cartoon strips featuring Lieutenant Jane, Army Nurse, promoting salvage of waste fats, 1940sTextRecycling (Waste, etc.)
World War (1939-1945)
Civil defense
s419_b044_f07_x04Directory of General Salvage Committee Chairmen and State Salvage Grease Committee as of May 15, 1943TextRecycling (Waste, etc.)
World War (1939-1945)
Civil defense
s419_b035_f07_x02Flash Message Form for World War II Civilian Aircraft Observation Posts, 1940sTextCivil defense
Civilian-based defense
World war (1939-1945)
flc_br0143Flier encouraging settlement in FloridaTextCivil defense
Tropical fruit industry
s419_b030_f04_02Flier Promoting Women Volunteering for Civil Defense in Duval County During World War II, ca. 1941TextCivil defense
Emergency preparedness
Sexism in mass media