44 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Subject contains "Race relations"
Sorted by Title
"A Card." written by W. H. Sherwood, 1889

"A Card." written by W. H. Sherwood, 1889

W. H. Sherwood proposing he and Rev. H C. Bailey meet for a public discussion on October 24, 1889, regarding the participation of African-Americans in politics.
Advertisement for Congress of Racial Equality's Jazz Album, ca. 1960

Advertisement for Congress of Racial Equality's Jazz Album, ca. 1960

1960 (circa)
Brochure advertising the Congress of Racial Equality's all-star jazz 2-record album for half the price. Proceeds from sales help the CORE treasury bail out jailed demonstrators, conduct CORE workshops and organize African-American voter registration drives.
Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida addressing the stances of the governors of Florida and Alabama regarding federal efforts to stop discrimination in defense industries, 1942

Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida addressing the stances of the governors of Florida and Alabama regarding federal efforts to stop discrimination in defense industries, 1942

Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida, headquartered in Jacksonville, calling attention to a letter written by Florida governor Spessard Holland to the governor of Alabama, Frank Dixon, concurring with Dixon's opposition to the federal government's "discrimination by seller" clause, which aimed essentially to reduce racial discrimination in the nation's defense industries during World War II.
Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida regarding Executive Order 8802 and its effects, 1942

Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida regarding Executive Order 8802 and its effects, 1942

Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida, headquartered in Jacksonville, interpreting the implications of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order 8802 for the South and its tradition of racial segregation. The document quotes from a letter written by Alabama governor Frank Dixon, in which he expresses vigorous opposition to the order.
Copy of a letter from U.S. Senator Charles O. Andrews to John P. Ingle of the Associated Industries of Florida, 1942

Copy of a letter from U.S. Senator Charles O. Andrews to John P. Ingle of the Associated Industries of Florida, 1942

Copy of a letter from one of Florida's two U.S. Senators, Charles O. Andrews, to John P. Ingle, secretary of the Associated Industries of Florida, headquartered in Jacksonville. The copy was sent to Governor Spessard Holland as a courtesy. Andrews acknowledges receipt of a bulletin published by the Associated Industries of Florida in which the organization commends Governor Holland for agreeing with the governor of Alabama in his stance against President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order 8802. This order aimed to prevent racial discrimination in the nation's defense industries during World War II. Andrews expresses his concern that actions such as this will lead to the amalgamation of the races and "social equality," which he deems not in the nation's best interest.
CORE Press Release About Five Jailed Student Leaders Receiving Gandhi Award, 1960

CORE Press Release About Five Jailed Student Leaders Receiving Gandhi Award, 1960

Press release from CORE noting the five recipients of the Gandhi Award: Barbara and John Broxton, William Larkins and Patricia and Priscilla Stephens. These five students served a 49-day jail sentence after being arrested during a sit-in demonstration at Woolworth's lunch counter in Tallahassee.
CORE-lator Newsletter, April 1960

CORE-lator Newsletter, April 1960

CORE-lator newsletter, number 81 outlining newly formed Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapters across the United States, recent arrests and updates about CORE's work across the country. "Letter From A Jailed Student" was written by Tallahassee civil rights activist Patricia Stephens Due while she was in jail with seven others for holding a sit-in at Woolworth's. She includes the names of the other jailed students and describes her experience in jail.
Correspondence between Mary McLeod Bethune and Governor LeRoy Collins, 1955

Correspondence between Mary McLeod Bethune and Governor LeRoy Collins, 1955

Correspondence between Mary McLeod Bethune and Governor LeRoy Collins regarding the sentencing of Walter Irvin.
"Don't Buy at Shell's City," Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960

"Don't Buy at Shell's City," Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960

1960 (circa)
Flier boycotting Shell's City for refusing to serve African-Americans at its lunch counter. The flier encourages people to write to Shell's City's manager, George McKelvey, so he will change the discriminatory policy.
"Facts About the Community Relations Service" Brochure, August 1964

"Facts About the Community Relations Service" Brochure, August 1964

Brochure outlining the responsibilities and mission of the Community Relations Service (CRS).
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m86-38_b001_f03_01"A Card." written by W. H. Sherwood, 1889TextSouthern States -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950
Race relations
African Americans -- Suffrage
n2015-1_b001_f10_03Advertisement for Congress of Racial Equality's Jazz Album, ca. 1960TextCivil rights movements
Mass media and race relations
Civil rights--Economic aspects
African Americans -- Civil rights
Jazz musicians
Fund raising
s406_b066_f01_04Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida addressing the stances of the governors of Florida and Alabama regarding federal efforts to stop discrimination in defense industries, 1942TextSegregation
Race relations
Discrimination in employment
Defense industries--Government policy
States' rights (American politics)
s406_b066_f01_05Bulletin from the Associated Industries of Florida regarding Executive Order 8802 and its effects, 1942TextSegregation
States' rights (American politics)
Defense industries--Government policy
Discrimination in employment
Race relations
s406_b066_f01_03Copy of a letter from U.S. Senator Charles O. Andrews to John P. Ingle of the Associated Industries of Florida, 1942TextSegregation
Race relations
Sectionalism (United States)--Public opinion
n2015-1_b003_f16_18CORE Press Release About Five Jailed Student Leaders Receiving Gandhi Award, 1960TextRace relations
Civil rights--Social aspects
n2015-1_b003_f16_10CORE-lator Newsletter, April 1960TextRace relations
Civil rights--Social aspects
s776_b023_f01_23Correspondence between Mary McLeod Bethune and Governor LeRoy Collins, 1955TextGroveland Four Trial (Groveland, Florida : 1949-1952)
Groveland (Fla.)--Race relations
Discrimination in criminal justice administration--Florida--Groveland
African Americans--Civil rights
African American civil rights workers--Florida
African Americans--Legal status, laws, etc.--Florida
Police shootings
n2015-1_b003_f16_25"Don't Buy at Shell's City," Congress of Racial Equality Flier, Miami, ca. 1960TextRace relations
Civil rights--Social aspects
n2015-1_b003_f06_01"Facts About the Community Relations Service" Brochure, August 1964TextRace relations
Civil rights--Political aspects