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State Archives of Florida, Collection M89-33
This poster contains a roster of the officers, enlisted members, and field grade officers of United States Army, 1st Infantry (Florida), Company M. The poster is decorated with a picture of President Woodrow Wilson, the flags of the United States and the Allied Powers, and depictions of the various branches of the Army and Navy.
Adkinson, Walter G.
Ard, A. Colla
Asbell, G. H.
Bell, Lawrence
Bowen, Walter
Bray, Joshua A.
Brown, Amphion A.
Carter, Jerome
Cluster, Orval
Cobb, C. C.
Cogburn, Joe
Coombs, J. P.
Cotton, Lee
Crandell, L. B.
Curlee, Henry
Daffin, James R.
Davis, John A.
Destin, Gaines
Dickey, Byron
Dolstrum, Harris P.
Donalson, Henry F.
Edinfield, Charlie
Elmore, Alie J.
Elmore, Cassie
Fox, Alertus
Gainer, Harry
Gainey, Amos W.
Gilbert, Fred
Gilbert, John A.
Gilmore, Henry G.
Givens, Frank
Givens, James R.
Gore, Lenox P.
Gore, William H.
Grace, Eugene F.
Grace, Harry G.
Hall, Pasco E.
Hammac, Joseph S.
Hand, John J.
Hand, Thrasher J.
Hardwick, Jack
Harrison, Charles W.
Harrison, James S.
Harrison, S. C.
Hendrix, M. M.
Herndon, Fred H.
Hightower, William F.
Hobart, Charlie M.
Hollis, James M.
Holson, Vinson
Jones, Gilbert E.
Kelson, Christ
Kirvin, Joseph R.
Knowles, Fred
Lambert, William E.
Lemieux, Lewis T.
Little, Ira D.
Little, William S.
Lock, Jack
Mack, Charles C.
Maler, Elisha
Mapes, Fred N.
Mapes, Nelson
Marshal, Victor
Martin, Mallie
Mason, Rowland
McCandliss, Ralph W.
McCormick, Charles C.
McCormick, Oscar F.
McGill, Willie R.
McKinney, Joseph M.
McNair, Adrain
Melvin, Millard
Merrill, M. E.
Miller, Dewey
Miller, Lemuel
Milligan, Raymond J.
Nolan, Willie G.
O'Connor, William
Padget, Charlie
Parker, Green W.
Pennington, John W.
Pilips, Harry
Powell, Wesley J.
Proctor, Van Horn C.
Roberts, Ellis
Rogers, Furman
Ross, Alert D.
Rowden, Clifton T.
Scott, David H.
Seale, Eugene F.
Seavey, George B.
Siebert, Franz
Silcox, Emmit
Silcox, John W.
Sims, Edward J.
Sims, Jacob L.
Smith, John L.
Smith, Willis J.
Soloman, John F.
Stephens, Ed
Steward, John W.
Stokes, William
Strange, John H.
Strange, Van C.
Torgerson, Thomas
Truesdale, R. W.
Tully, Robert
Turner, Francis M.
United States. Army. -- Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st
United States. Army. Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st. Company M
United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson)
Valentine, M. E.
Walsingham, M. P.
Ward, B. L.
Ward, Ruben C.
Watts, Royal D.
White, James
White, Perry E.
Williams, Claud
Wilson, Carry F.
Wirth, Jack
World War, 1914-1918
Ard, A. Colla
Asbell, G. H.
Bell, Lawrence
Bowen, Walter
Bray, Joshua A.
Brown, Amphion A.
Carter, Jerome
Cluster, Orval
Cobb, C. C.
Cogburn, Joe
Coombs, J. P.
Cotton, Lee
Crandell, L. B.
Curlee, Henry
Daffin, James R.
Davis, John A.
Destin, Gaines
Dickey, Byron
Dolstrum, Harris P.
Donalson, Henry F.
Edinfield, Charlie
Elmore, Alie J.
Elmore, Cassie
Fox, Alertus
Gainer, Harry
Gainey, Amos W.
Gilbert, Fred
Gilbert, John A.
Gilmore, Henry G.
Givens, Frank
Givens, James R.
Gore, Lenox P.
Gore, William H.
Grace, Eugene F.
Grace, Harry G.
Hall, Pasco E.
Hammac, Joseph S.
Hand, John J.
Hand, Thrasher J.
Hardwick, Jack
Harrison, Charles W.
Harrison, James S.
Harrison, S. C.
Hendrix, M. M.
Herndon, Fred H.
Hightower, William F.
Hobart, Charlie M.
Hollis, James M.
Holson, Vinson
Jones, Gilbert E.
Kelson, Christ
Kirvin, Joseph R.
Knowles, Fred
Lambert, William E.
Lemieux, Lewis T.
Little, Ira D.
Little, William S.
Lock, Jack
Mack, Charles C.
Maler, Elisha
Mapes, Fred N.
Mapes, Nelson
Marshal, Victor
Martin, Mallie
Mason, Rowland
McCandliss, Ralph W.
McCormick, Charles C.
McCormick, Oscar F.
McGill, Willie R.
McKinney, Joseph M.
McNair, Adrain
Melvin, Millard
Merrill, M. E.
Miller, Dewey
Miller, Lemuel
Milligan, Raymond J.
Nolan, Willie G.
O'Connor, William
Padget, Charlie
Parker, Green W.
Pennington, John W.
Pilips, Harry
Powell, Wesley J.
Proctor, Van Horn C.
Roberts, Ellis
Rogers, Furman
Ross, Alert D.
Rowden, Clifton T.
Scott, David H.
Seale, Eugene F.
Seavey, George B.
Siebert, Franz
Silcox, Emmit
Silcox, John W.
Sims, Edward J.
Sims, Jacob L.
Smith, John L.
Smith, Willis J.
Soloman, John F.
Stephens, Ed
Steward, John W.
Stokes, William
Strange, John H.
Strange, Van C.
Torgerson, Thomas
Truesdale, R. W.
Tully, Robert
Turner, Francis M.
United States. Army. -- Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st
United States. Army. Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st. Company M
United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson)
Valentine, M. E.
Walsingham, M. P.
Ward, B. L.
Ward, Ruben C.
Watts, Royal D.
White, James
White, Perry E.
Williams, Claud
Wilson, Carry F.
Wirth, Jack
World War, 1914-1918
Geographic Term
Related Maps
World War For Liberty
United States Army
1st Infantry (Florida), Company M
Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga.
Colonel S.C. Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel J.P. Coombs, Major George B. Seavey, Captain Francis M. Turner, First Lieutenant Mallie Martin, Second Lieutenant Royal D. Watts.
First Sergeant Harry Pilips, Supply Sergeant John A. Gilbert, Mess Sergeant Jerome Carter. Sergeants: Amos W. Gainey, Wesley J. Powell, G.H. Asbell, M.M. Hendrix. Corporals: Vinson Holson, B.L. Ward, Fred Knowles, Dewey Miller, Franz Siebert, Clifton T. Rowden, Thomas Torgerson, Jack Wirth, Joseph M. McKinney.
Cooks: Ed Stephens, Perry E. White. Mechanic L.B. Crandell, Buglers: Van Horn C. Proctor, Walter Bowen. Privates, 1st Class: Lee Cotton, Eugene F. Grace, Ralph W. McCandliss, Fred N. Mapes, Jacob L. Sims, John L. Smith, C.C. Cobb, Harry Gainer, John W. Pennington, Furman Rogers, M.E. Valentine.
Privates: Walter G. Adkinson, A. Colla Ard, Lawrence Bell, Joshua A. Bray, Amphion A. Brown, Orval Cluster, Joe Cogburn, Henry Curlee, James R. Daffin, John A. Davis, Bryon Dickey, Harris P. Dolstrum, Henry F. Donalson, Charlie Edinfield, Allie J. Elmore, Cassie Elmore, Albertus Fox, Fred Gilbert, Henry G. Gilmore, James R. Givens, Frank Givens, Lenox P. Gore, William H. Gore, Harry G. Grace, Pasco E. Hall, Joseph S. Hammac, John J. Hand, Thrasher J. Hand, Charles W. Harrison, James S. Harrison, Fred H. Herndon, William F. Hightower, Charlie M. Hobart, James M. Hollis, Gilbert E. Jones, Christ Kelson, Joseph R. Kirvin, William E. Lambert, Lewis T. Lemieux, Ira D. Little, William S. Little, Charles C. Mack, Nelson Mapes, Rowland Mason, M.E. Merrill, Lemuel Miller, Raymond J. Milligan, Charles C. McCormick, Oscar F. McCormick, Willie R. McGill, Adrain McNair, Willie G. Nolan, William O'Connor, Charlie Padget.
Privates: Green W. Parker, Ellis Roberts, Albert D. Ross, David H. Scott, Eugene F. Seale, Emmit Silcox, John W. Silcox, Edward J. Sims, Willis J. Smith, John F. Soloman, John W. Steward, William Stokes, John H. Strange, Van C. Strange, R.W. Truesdale, Robert Tully, M.P. Walsingham, Ruben C. Ward, James White, Claud Williams, Carry F. Wilson, Victor Marshal, Jack Lock, Millard Melvin, Gaines Destin, Elisha Maler, Jack Hardwick.
WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917
United States. Army. -- Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st
World War, 1914-1918
This poster contains a roster of the officers, enlisted members, and field grade officers of United States Army, 1st Infantry (Florida), Company M. The poster is decorated with a picture of President Woodrow Wilson, the flags of the United States and the Allied Powers, and depictions of the various branches of the Army and Navy.
State Archives of Florida, Collection M89-33
Florida Boom and Progressive Era (1900-1926)
Geographic Term
Camp Wheeler (Macon, Ga.)
Military And Veterans
Subject - Corporate
United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson)
United States. Army. Florida Infantry Regiment, 1st. Company M
Subject - Person
Hardwick, Jack
Maler, Elisha
Destin, Gaines
Melvin, Millard
Lock, Jack
Marshal, Victor
Wilson, Carry F.
Williams, Claud
White, James
Ward, Ruben C.
Walsingham, M. P.
Tully, Robert
Truesdale, R. W.
Strange, Van C.
Strange, John H.
Stokes, William
Steward, John W.
Soloman, John F.
Smith, Willis J.
Sims, Edward J.
Silcox, John W.
Silcox, Emmit
Seale, Eugene F.
Scott, David H.
Ross, Alert D.
Roberts, Ellis
Parker, Green W.
Padget, Charlie
O'Connor, William
Nolan, Willie G.
McNair, Adrain
McGill, Willie R.
McCormick, Oscar F.
McCormick, Charles C.
Milligan, Raymond J.
Miller, Lemuel
Merrill, M. E.
Mason, Rowland
Mapes, Nelson
Mack, Charles C.
Little, William S.
Little, Ira D.
Lemieux, Lewis T.
Lambert, William E.
Kirvin, Joseph R.
Kelson, Christ
Jones, Gilbert E.
Hollis, James M.
Hobart, Charlie M.
Hightower, William F.
Herndon, Fred H.
Harrison, James S.
Harrison, Charles W.
Hand, Thrasher J.
Hand, John J.
Hammac, Joseph S.
Hall, Pasco E.
Grace, Harry G.
Gore, William H.
Gore, Lenox P.
Givens, Frank
Givens, James R.
Gilmore, Henry G.
Gilbert, Fred
Fox, Alertus
Elmore, Cassie
Elmore, Alie J.
Edinfield, Charlie
Donalson, Henry F.
Dolstrum, Harris P.
Dickey, Byron
Davis, John A.
Daffin, James R.
Curlee, Henry
Cogburn, Joe
Cluster, Orval
Brown, Amphion A.
Bray, Joshua A.
Bell, Lawrence
Ard, A. Colla
Adkinson, Walter G.
Valentine, M. E.
Rogers, Furman
Pennington, John W.
Gainer, Harry
Cobb, C. C.
Smith, John L.
Sims, Jacob L.
Mapes, Fred N.
McCandliss, Ralph W.
Grace, Eugene F.
Cotton, Lee
Bowen, Walter
Proctor, Van Horn C.
Crandell, L. B.
White, Perry E.
Stephens, Ed
McKinney, Joseph M.
Wirth, Jack
Torgerson, Thomas
Rowden, Clifton T.
Siebert, Franz
Miller, Dewey
Knowles, Fred
Ward, B. L.
Holson, Vinson
Hendrix, M. M.
Asbell, G. H.
Powell, Wesley J.
Gainey, Amos W.
Carter, Jerome
Gilbert, John A.
Pilips, Harry
Watts, Royal D.
Martin, Mallie
Turner, Francis M.
Seavey, George B.
Coombs, J. P.
Harrison, S. C.
World War For Liberty
United States Army
1st Infantry (Florida), Company M
Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga.
Colonel S.C. Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel J.P. Coombs, Major George B. Seavey, Captain Francis M. Turner, First Lieutenant Mallie Martin, Second Lieutenant Royal D. Watts.
First Sergeant Harry Pilips, Supply Sergeant John A. Gilbert, Mess Sergeant Jerome Carter. Sergeants: Amos W. Gainey, Wesley J. Powell, G.H. Asbell, M.M. Hendrix. Corporals: Vinson Holson, B.L. Ward, Fred Knowles, Dewey Miller, Franz Siebert, Clifton T. Rowden, Thomas Torgerson, Jack Wirth, Joseph M. McKinney.
Cooks: Ed Stephens, Perry E. White. Mechanic L.B. Crandell, Buglers: Van Horn C. Proctor, Walter Bowen. Privates, 1st Class: Lee Cotton, Eugene F. Grace, Ralph W. McCandliss, Fred N. Mapes, Jacob L. Sims, John L. Smith, C.C. Cobb, Harry Gainer, John W. Pennington, Furman Rogers, M.E. Valentine.
Privates: Walter G. Adkinson, A. Colla Ard, Lawrence Bell, Joshua A. Bray, Amphion A. Brown, Orval Cluster, Joe Cogburn, Henry Curlee, James R. Daffin, John A. Davis, Bryon Dickey, Harris P. Dolstrum, Henry F. Donalson, Charlie Edinfield, Allie J. Elmore, Cassie Elmore, Albertus Fox, Fred Gilbert, Henry G. Gilmore, James R. Givens, Frank Givens, Lenox P. Gore, William H. Gore, Harry G. Grace, Pasco E. Hall, Joseph S. Hammac, John J. Hand, Thrasher J. Hand, Charles W. Harrison, James S. Harrison, Fred H. Herndon, William F. Hightower, Charlie M. Hobart, James M. Hollis, Gilbert E. Jones, Christ Kelson, Joseph R. Kirvin, William E. Lambert, Lewis T. Lemieux, Ira D. Little, William S. Little, Charles C. Mack, Nelson Mapes, Rowland Mason, M.E. Merrill, Lemuel Miller, Raymond J. Milligan, Charles C. McCormick, Oscar F. McCormick, Willie R. McGill, Adrain McNair, Willie G. Nolan, William O'Connor, Charlie Padget.
Privates: Green W. Parker, Ellis Roberts, Albert D. Ross, David H. Scott, Eugene F. Seale, Emmit Silcox, John W. Silcox, Edward J. Sims, Willis J. Smith, John F. Soloman, John W. Steward, William Stokes, John H. Strange, Van C. Strange, R.W. Truesdale, Robert Tully, M.P. Walsingham, Ruben C. Ward, James White, Claud Williams, Carry F. Wilson, Victor Marshal, Jack Lock, Millard Melvin, Gaines Destin, Elisha Maler, Jack Hardwick.
Chicago Manual of Style
WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917. 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/11929>, accessed 6 February 2025.
WWI Service Roster for the 1st Infantry (Florida), Co. M, 1917. 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/11929>
AP Style Photo Citation