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Invitation to a Lecture on the Structure of the Universe, Saturday, March 30, 1895
Geographic Term
You are cordially inivted to attend a meeting of great improtance, to be held at Ballard Hall, corner Jefferson Avenue and Fifty-third street.
SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 30, 1895, at 7:45 P.M.
The Founder of the Koreshan System of Science and Relgion has been inivted by some interested citizens to deliver a lecture on the Structure of the Univerise, before as many intelligent and scientific investigators as may be pleased to attend. He challenges the scientific world to disprove the foundation axioms of the Koreshan System, which, being true, must completely revolutionize human thought.
Be present if possible, and extend the invitation to the most critical searches for truth among your acquaintances.
Geographic Term
Subject - Corporate
You are cordially inivted to attend a meeting of great improtance, to be held at Ballard Hall, corner Jefferson Avenue and Fifty-third street.
SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 30, 1895, at 7:45 P.M.
The Founder of the Koreshan System of Science and Relgion has been inivted by some interested citizens to deliver a lecture on the Structure of the Univerise, before as many intelligent and scientific investigators as may be pleased to attend. He challenges the scientific world to disprove the foundation axioms of the Koreshan System, which, being true, must completely revolutionize human thought.
Be present if possible, and extend the invitation to the most critical searches for truth among your acquaintances.
1st, That the earth is a hollow sphere, the surface of which is concave. The inhabitants live on the inside instead of the outside of this sphere. (This can be geometrically and mathematically demonstrated).
2d. That the crust of teh earth is one hundred miles in thicknes, the outer curst composed of metallic strata.
3d, That the principles of gravity and levity indicate the normal relative positions of atmosphere and solid strata comprising the cosmogonic form. The diameter of the concave shell is eight thousand miles, its circumference twenty five thousand. Within this shell are three atmosperes, at the nucleus and center of which is the astral body constuting the heart of the sun, which is less than fourt thousand miles distant, instead of ninety three million miles, as falsely taught. (Mathematically demosntrable).
4th. That the motions of the universe do not depend upon an original creative fiat. The forces of all motion are continually generated and perpetually applied, and the relatins of center and circumerference are correlate and reciprocal. The motions of the physical universe are casued by the influence of magnetic and electric energies, behind which is constant mental energy as the primary and continually acting force.
5th, That if we stand upon an elevated tower and look over the earth's surface, the breadth of the perspective contracts by foreshoretening. This phenomenon would case and expended plane surface to appear as a circle.
1st, That the earth is a convex surface.
2d, That the curst of the globe is rock and earth of indefinite thickness, underlying whcih there may be (guess) molten mass.
3d, That the unvierse has no form because it has no limitation. Gravity, without its co-ordinate factor, levity, constitutes the law of emplacement.
4th, That the motion of the physical unvierse is the result of the original Almighty fiat.
5th, "That the earth is approximately a sphere- Besides the proofs of this proposition familiar to the student of geography, we have the fact that portions of the earth's surface visible from elevated positions appear be be bounded by circles. This property belongs only to a sphere." - (Astronomy for High Schools and Colleges. Newcomb and Holden, Drs. of Law.)
Koreshan Science in Contrast with the Hypothetical Guesses of So Called Science.
The KNown and the Knowable Compared with the Obscurations of Belief in the Unknown and the Unknowable.
A ball eight thousand miles in diameter, having an attenuated atmosphere, cannot rush through space at the rate of thirty miles a second (this space being filled with material, as claimed by the savants of the age) and not be destroyed by friction.
Chicago Manual of Style
Invitation to a Lecture on the Structure of the Universe, Saturday, March 30, 1895. 1895-03-30. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297469>, accessed 8 February 2025.
Invitation to a Lecture on the Structure of the Universe, Saturday, March 30, 1895. 1895-03-30. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 8 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/297469>
AP Style Photo Citation