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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, 783.954 COL 1973
Shape note music for "Florida Storm," written by J. Jackson in 1928 to commemorate the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926. Published in Judge Jackson, The Colored Sacred Harp (Ozark, Ala.: n.p., 1973), 87-89.
Geographic Term
Composed by J. Jackson, July 18, 1928
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
Composed by J. Jackson, July 18, 1928
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
Shape Note Music: "Florida Storm" by Judge Jackson, 1928
Shape-note hymnals
Church music
Sheet music
Shape note music for "Florida Storm," written by J. Jackson in 1928 to commemorate the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926. Published in Judge Jackson, The Colored Sacred Harp (Ozark, Ala.: n.p., 1973), 87-89.
Jackson, Judge
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, 783.954 COL 1973
Jackson, Judge
sheet music
Depression Era Florida (1926-1939)
Geographic Term
Miami (Fla.)
Dade County (Fla.)
Display Date
Religion and Churches
Composed by J. Jackson, July 18, 1928
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
Composed by J. Jackson, July 18, 1928
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
FLORIDA STORM (continued)
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
FLORIDA STORM (concluded)
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
1. Sep-tem-ber Eight-eenth, Nine-teen Hun-dred and Twen-ty-six, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, Their cries were too late their cry-ing was in vain, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy, in the storm.
2. A pit-y and a shame all the peo-ple in the rain, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, It was ver-y sad that they lost all they had, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
3. The wind with a might-y sound laid man-y build-ings down, But God show'd His mer-cy in the storm, Night comes on you know they had no where to go, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
4. The streets were all a mess it was so no one could pass, Moth-ers look'd for chil-dren in the storm, Fa-thers tried in vain it was a shame I know, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
5. The doc-tors got the news so man-y that were bruised, To-geth-er with the Red Cross on the train, They all came in haste to see a-bout their case, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The peo-ple cried mer-cy in the storm, The col-ored and the white stay'd a-wake all the night, Cry-ing Lord have mer-cy in the storm. Storm.
Chicago Manual of Style
Jackson, Judge. Shape Note Music: "Florida Storm" by Judge Jackson, 1928. 1928. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/318052>, accessed 15 February 2025.
Jackson, Judge. Shape Note Music: "Florida Storm" by Judge Jackson, 1928. 1928. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 15 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/318052>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Jackson)